Tuesday, March 31, 2009

oh my creepy.

There is this person. I don't even think it's legal to call him that. . . In my Health class. Trust me, that class is obscene enough as it is. He actually likes talking about nasty things. . . like really gross things that I don't even want to think about. Worst part is I know he has like 50 kids so who even knows how far from the plan he's strayed and how many wives he has???????

So here's my story. I was sitting in class -early as usual- waiting for my professor (such a sad name for a woman :'( oh well) and in walks creepoid of the century. He's seriously got no personal hygiene at all and I could smell him from the opposite end of Texas. Anyway, I am looking amazing (like you expected anything less) with my modest mini pencil skirt and 3" high black patent Kate Spade karolina heels and sheer shirt (with a modest tank underneath) just sitting there reading my health textbook —you didn't fall for that did you?— and he decides that he is allowed to sit in my square. Now I have a square. The 2 seats forward, behind and next to me on both sides including diagonals are only filled by my potentials. EVERYONE knows that. You have to be invited (with personal stationary) to sit in my square. So, being the kind and gracious person that I am I got up as gracefully as I could and moved the square. Creepo followed me. That is not acceptable. 

It gets worse. He then sits in the desk next to mine and starts trying to talk to me. I told in no uncertain terms was he ever to approach the square or even the square OUTSIDE the square and that I didn't ever want to hear his pre-pubescent voice ever again. I then decided to use some of the charity that I am trying so hard to develop in RS and gave him some anti-bacterial soap to take care of the slime that coats his skin and then some karma soap from Lush just so he wouldn't forget that my charity would someday come back to me (and so that he could actually smell like he wouldn't curl somebody's nose hairs...) ;) 

He looked so dejected but I know inside that he was thankful for my generosity and advice.