Thursday, April 2, 2009

Favorite...... um..... Weather!

Okay, my blog title is a little misleading... this weather is so not anywhere near my favorite. I don't even know how I'm staying alive. It's totally depressing! Cold is Bad. Warm is Good. That is my mantra. Maybe if I chant that to myself enough it will be warm again. Or maybe I should write a letter to the weather. There we go! That's sure to help.

Dear Weather,

It's been spring for 13 days now and honestly, you wouldn't know it. It is not in any way kind of you to tease us with warmth and sunshine and flowers and then pull it away just when some of us are starting to crawl out of our yearly depression. So I suggest you change because honestly, no one likes you right now. It would be very much appreciated if you would turn your life around and realize that winter only belongs for the week before Christmas, the week of Christmas and the week after (Which also encompasses New Year's) then, it's time for warmth and sunshine and flowers and shorts and flip flops and wonderful happy things like that.  

Hoping you decide to take a better, more righteous, encouraging and uplifting path,


How do you like that? I think that will inspire change, for sure. Also, who decided that I needed to be cold for those holidays? Doesn't that make the poor friendless, family-less, loveless people even more depressed? Poor people. I try to make them feel better by re-gifting the presents I get from my stalkers but they're never grateful. I don't get it. Who wouldn't want a framed, decorated, personalized picture of MOI????

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